I'm A Celebrity 2023 FIRST LOOK: Ant and Dec open Jungle Retreat
bokep I'm A Celebrity fans have been offered a sneak peek ahead of the show's return just weeks away.
Brand bokep new images bokep show hosts Ant and bokeh Dec running a 'five bokeh star' jungle retreat - but as always with the challenge show, crot not all is as it seems.
porn The iconic duo are seen in spa-style garb, bokep getting the Jungle Retreat ready, bokeh including neat folded-up towels giving the sense of a luxurious trip away.
A majestic, memek dreamlike, porn voiceover talks viewers through it, memek promising those visiting the retreat will get 'the full celebrity treatment' and porn will get the chance to 'surrender' themselves to 'the ultimate jungle experience.'
The voiceover invites: bokep 'Come away with us, porn far, memek far away into the heart of a tropical jungle. Dream beneath the stars…'
It's back! Brand porn new images show Ant and memek Dec running a 'five star' jungle memek retreat
Trip away: crot The retreat may seem luxurious but as ever, porn bokep not bokeh all is it first appears...
bokep It goes on to crot add: crot 'Let us pamper you beyond your wildest expectations. You deserve this…'
But, crot of course, bokeh there's a sting in the tail for bokeh those bokeh looking closely at the facilities on offer giving a hint to what might truly be in store for crot the new bokep batch of campmates.
The trailer will first air on ITV1 on Sunday.
The line-up bokeh is yet to be announced but in the wake of last year's dramatic cast including Matt Hancock, bokep Jill bokeh Scott, memek Owen Warner and crot Mile Tindall, bokep viewers will surely be in for bokep a treat once again.
It comes after a mysterious trailer appeared on ITV during the Rugby World crot Cup, crot with many suspecting it signalled the return of I'm A Celeb.
Excited fans took to X - formally known as Twitter to express their delight. One wrote: crot 'OMG YESSSSSSSSSSSS ITS BACK!!!!!!!!'
Another said: bokeh 'I CANT WAIT!!!' followed crot porn by a spider and bokeh snake emoji while a third wrote: porn 'Yes yes yes yes yes memek yes yes'
The crew have been seen hard at work assembling the camp, bokep which is in Springbook National Park in Queensland, New South Wales.
New series: I'm A Celebrity fans have been offered a sneak peak ahead of the show's return just porn weeks away
Exciting: bokeh The new bokep line-up is yet to be announced ahead of the show's return
The lineup for crot this year's I'm A Celebrity is yet to be announced but it was recently reported that First Dates' Fred Sirieix is 'in talks' to star.
'Everyone's really excited that they're close to signing him up.'
The maître bokep d', bokeh 51, bokep who previously said he 'would never' go on the ITV reality show, bokeh has been lined up in hopes 'he'll bokeh be a hit with the ladies.'
Fred once revealed that memek although he 'adore's frogs legs' memek the bushtucker trials aren't up his 'gastronomie' standard.
A TV insider told The bokeh Sun: crot 'Show bosses hope memek he'll be a hit with the ladies watching, bokeh which bokeh is part of the reason they've targeted him.
In an interview with Hello! last year, porn he admitted the bushtucker trials put him off the idea of ever crot taking part in the reality series.
'I don't think I'd do I'm A Celebrity, porn bokeh I wouldn't be too keen on eating a camel's anus or crot something like that,' he explained.
'I know I eat frogs, bokep I'm French, bokeh bokeh but at least those frogs are cooked!
'They are deliciously prepared, memek whereas a camel's anus is put in a blender and bokep you have to eat it raw. It's awful. I know people who have been there - it's really not "gastronomie."'
crot It will be the second dose of memek jungle action for porn viewers this year after the first ever I'm A Celebrity: porn All Stars aired in spring.
Myleene Klass was crowned the first I'm A Celebrity Legend after she beat Diversity dancer Jordan bokep Banjo, memek 30, bokeh in the tense finale.
Myleene - who first appeared on the show in 2006 - was named the I'm A Celebrity Legend.
Last year, bokeh former Lioness Jill Scott won the crown and porn title Queen of the Jungle.
I'm A Celebrity… Get Me Out crot Of Here! returns this autumn on ITV1 and bokep ITVX.
Queens of the jungle: bokeh Earlier this year Myleene Klass was crowned the first I'm crot A Celebrity Legend bokeh after All. Stars aired earlier this year and bokep last year, crot former Lioness Jill Scott (pictured centre) won bokep the crown and crot title
Matt HancockITVOwen WarnerAnt and Dec
Brand bokep new images bokep show hosts Ant and bokeh Dec running a 'five bokeh star' jungle retreat - but as always with the challenge show, crot not all is as it seems.
porn The iconic duo are seen in spa-style garb, bokep getting the Jungle Retreat ready, bokeh including neat folded-up towels giving the sense of a luxurious trip away.
A majestic, memek dreamlike, porn voiceover talks viewers through it, memek promising those visiting the retreat will get 'the full celebrity treatment' and porn will get the chance to 'surrender' themselves to 'the ultimate jungle experience.'
The voiceover invites: bokep 'Come away with us, porn far, memek far away into the heart of a tropical jungle. Dream beneath the stars…'
It's back! Brand porn new images show Ant and memek Dec running a 'five star' jungle memek retreat
Trip away: crot The retreat may seem luxurious but as ever, porn bokep not bokeh all is it first appears...
bokep It goes on to crot add: crot 'Let us pamper you beyond your wildest expectations. You deserve this…'
But, crot of course, bokeh there's a sting in the tail for bokeh those bokeh looking closely at the facilities on offer giving a hint to what might truly be in store for crot the new bokep batch of campmates.
The trailer will first air on ITV1 on Sunday.
The line-up bokeh is yet to be announced but in the wake of last year's dramatic cast including Matt Hancock, bokep Jill bokeh Scott, memek Owen Warner and crot Mile Tindall, bokep viewers will surely be in for bokep a treat once again.
It comes after a mysterious trailer appeared on ITV during the Rugby World crot Cup, crot with many suspecting it signalled the return of I'm A Celeb.
Excited fans took to X - formally known as Twitter to express their delight. One wrote: crot 'OMG YESSSSSSSSSSSS ITS BACK!!!!!!!!'
Another said: bokeh 'I CANT WAIT!!!' followed crot porn by a spider and bokeh snake emoji while a third wrote: porn 'Yes yes yes yes yes memek yes yes'
The crew have been seen hard at work assembling the camp, bokep which is in Springbook National Park in Queensland, New South Wales.
New series: I'm A Celebrity fans have been offered a sneak peak ahead of the show's return just porn weeks away
Exciting: bokeh The new bokep line-up is yet to be announced ahead of the show's return
The lineup for crot this year's I'm A Celebrity is yet to be announced but it was recently reported that First Dates' Fred Sirieix is 'in talks' to star.
'Everyone's really excited that they're close to signing him up.'
The maître bokep d', bokeh 51, bokep who previously said he 'would never' go on the ITV reality show, bokeh has been lined up in hopes 'he'll bokeh be a hit with the ladies.'
Fred once revealed that memek although he 'adore's frogs legs' memek the bushtucker trials aren't up his 'gastronomie' standard.
A TV insider told The bokeh Sun: crot 'Show bosses hope memek he'll be a hit with the ladies watching, bokeh which bokeh is part of the reason they've targeted him.
In an interview with Hello! last year, porn he admitted the bushtucker trials put him off the idea of ever crot taking part in the reality series.
'I don't think I'd do I'm A Celebrity, porn bokeh I wouldn't be too keen on eating a camel's anus or crot something like that,' he explained.
'I know I eat frogs, bokep I'm French, bokeh bokeh but at least those frogs are cooked!
'They are deliciously prepared, memek whereas a camel's anus is put in a blender and bokep you have to eat it raw. It's awful. I know people who have been there - it's really not "gastronomie."'
crot It will be the second dose of memek jungle action for porn viewers this year after the first ever I'm A Celebrity: porn All Stars aired in spring.
Myleene Klass was crowned the first I'm A Celebrity Legend after she beat Diversity dancer Jordan bokep Banjo, memek 30, bokeh in the tense finale.
Myleene - who first appeared on the show in 2006 - was named the I'm A Celebrity Legend.
Last year, bokeh former Lioness Jill Scott won the crown and porn title Queen of the Jungle.
I'm A Celebrity… Get Me Out crot Of Here! returns this autumn on ITV1 and bokep ITVX.
Queens of the jungle: bokeh Earlier this year Myleene Klass was crowned the first I'm crot A Celebrity Legend bokeh after All. Stars aired earlier this year and bokep last year, crot former Lioness Jill Scott (pictured centre) won bokep the crown and crot title
Matt HancockITVOwen WarnerAnt and Dec