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Bangsar Penthouse

Rae Barwell 25-02-17 13:36 5회 0건
Luxury Penthouse
A fire sale penthouse is a luxury lifestyle estate for its glamorous living on top of building, panoramic views, roof deck, private lift, private pool and garden and air of exclusivity. stanproperty. If you have any thoughts about where and how to use bangsar penthouse, you can get hold of us at our web site. com/property/bangsar-penthouse2

Suppose to be luxury specious estate with sizable floor size, on top of the building could be condominium or apartment or building with private pool deck and garden, private lift and panoramic view. But many developers have taken advantages of the prestige name, by marketing tinny unit, even smaller than some larger size condo and not on top floor as penthouse.

A Real penthouse for sale
- Should be sizable of more than 10,000sf up, anything smaller should consider as condominium.
- Must be on top floor with pool deck and garden
- Panoramic view, couldn’t imagine a person without view.
- Private lift, privacy and status to differentiate from the rest of the condo.
- Much higher ceiling or double volumn ceiling.
Usually more than 10 to 20% higher than standard unit, beside that will also have to fork out more for maintenance fee which usually based on per square feet and also maintenance of pool, garden and some lift too.

Penthouse is a luxury lifestyle living with premium size, views, pool deck and exclusivity that make the difference from condo and should be only 1 or 2 units per block. stanproperty.com/kl penthousew-yyujd90802ea-f400-4c4d-9261-7f5256f172




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